
Join the CAMP Rehoboth LGBTQ+ Book Club reading both fiction and nonfiction! The book club is open to everyone. January's pick is Tinderbox: The Untold Story of the Up Stairs Lounge Fire and the Rise of Gay Liberation by Robert W Fieseler. Buried for decades, the Up Stairs Lounge tragedy has only recently emerged as a catalyzing event of the gay liberation movement. In revelatory detail, Robert W. Fieseler chronicles the tragic event that claimed the lives of thirty-one men and one woman on June 24, 1973, at a New Orleans bar, the largest mass murder of gays until 2016 The book Club is one of our "off-CAMPus" programs that meets at the Lewes Library on January 30th at 6:30pm. Copies of the book can be bought from local bookstores and can be borrowed at local libraries.