
Thinking of quitting smoking or want to reduce how much you smoke in 2019?

We know it's hard!

Get information, support and skills on how you can accomplish this.

FREE classes begin on December 13 and run through January 17 from 7 - 8 pm at the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center, 37 Baltimore Ave.

December 13 - Getting ready for your commitment to change what doesn't work for you anymore.

January 3 - Mindfulness. Learn how mindfulness can help you quit or reduce how much you smoke.

January 10 - Learning new strategies.

January 17 - Baby Steps! Making a commitment to keep changing.

Please RSVP by calling Salvatore Seeley at 302-227-5620 or by email.


CAMP Rehoboth's "Out to Quit" program is made possible through the Delaware Division of Public Health's Tobacco Prevention Community Contract. Funding for the contract is provided by the Delaware Health Fund and managed by the AMERICAN LUNG ASSOCIATION of DELAWARE.