
The CAMP Rehoboth Theatre Company presents Raincheck, a show by Claudia Allen, directed by Kelly Sheridan.

Set in smalltown Michigan in 1985, Thema has moved home to live with her grandmother and great-aunt, Pansy and Flora. She leaves behind four marriages, and rekindles a friendship with her childhood buddy, Gwen, a county nurse watching over Patsy and Flora. In renewing their friendship, Thema realizes what’s been missing from her marriages all along—a woman.


Gwen - Gwen Osborne
Thema - Kelly Sheridan
Pansy/Grandma - Carol Huckabee
Flora/Sister - Linda DeFeo

Kelly Sheridan (Thema / Director) is a full-time resident of Lewes, Delaware having moved here from Baltimore in 2016 with her wife, Debra. Prior to leaving Baltimore, Kelly directed several shows at her alma mater, Towson Catholic High School, including Harvey; You’re A Good Man, Charlie Brown; The Calamityville Terror; and The Worst High School Play in the World. Since moving to Delaware, she has performed at CAMP Rehoboth with roles in Last Summer at Bluefish Cove, In the Wake, and 5 Lesbians Eating a Quiche. Kelly was a student and friend of the late Kay Cummings, who taught theatre and directed at CAMP Rehoboth. 

Currently, Kelly works at the Delaware Community Foundation as their Grant & Scholarship Coordinator. She volunteers her time with the Fund for Women, Common Cause Delaware, CAMP Rehoboth, and Mercy Association. 

This program is supported, in part, by a grant from the Delaware Division of the Arts, a state agency, in partnership with the National Endowment for the Arts. The Division promotes Delaware arts events on

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