
Our Haunted History: The Paranormal Evidence with Dr. Carol Pollio. Georgetown Investigation – The Brick Hotel.

Join us live from the Brick Hotel! You never know what you might witness!!!

October 13 – 7:00 p.m.

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The Brick Hotel on the Circle opened in Georgetown in 1836 as the Union Hotel. In the early years, it was one of only a few hotels in the area. Over the years, it has also been a boarding house, bank, court house, and post office. Spirits residing in this hotel can be quite active and include a woman on her wedding day, a barkeep, several previous hotel owners, a tinker, and a knife-throwing head chef. It's definitely a fun location to investigate!

About our presenter: Dr. Carol A. Pollio, founder of Intuitive Investigations® and currently Director/Lead Investigator, realized her abilities as a clairvoyant as a pre-teen. As is often the case, she struggled with the influx of psychic information from those around her and the spirit world, ultimately deciding to push those abilities aside to pursue a career in science. Despite her efforts to downplay her abilities, visions and premonitions continued to make their way into her life. Over the years, those experiences prompted her to begin investigating the paranormal and tapping into her clairvoyance by providing insightful personal readings for family and friends.

Other Haunted Happenings:

Our Haunted History: The Paranormal Evidence with Dr. Carol Pollio. Georgetown Investigation – The Marvel Museum.

Join us LIVE from the Haunted Carriage Museum. You never know what might happen!

October 21 at 7:00 p.m.


Marvel Carriage Museum includes many different historic structures that have been brought on site, including an old church, a Telephone Museum, 2 joined railroad stations, several barns, and a blacksmith shop. Spirit children playing in the church nursery, a former race horse in the Barrel Barn, and many telephone employees have been very active during investigations. The historic artifact collections, including the horse-drawn carriages themselves, have interesting spirit owners attached to them, making this a great location to check out!