Pie and Cake Sale to Benefit the Delaware HIV Consortium

The Delaware HIV Consortium and the Ministry of Caring are collaborating again this year for the annual ‘Easy as Pie’ fundraising campaign. Proceeds from this fundraiser support their programs statewide.

Order your cake or pie by Friday November 19th at noon, then pick up your pie at CAMP Rehoboth (or any of the other pickup locations) on Tuesday November 23 from 12:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.   Most cakes and pies are just $20 each, except the premium desserts from Pellman Bakery are $25.

The Ministry of Caring is committed to serving the ongoing needs of the poor; providing food for the hungry, shelter and housing for the homeless and for individuals with AIDS, job training, dental care, child care and advocacy for the disenfranchised.  The Delaware HIV Consortium is a statewide non-profit organization [501(c)(3)] established to facilitate collaboration among its community partners and to ensure that quality, non-duplicative HIV treatment and prevention services are available throughout Delaware.   Join us in supporting these two worthy organizations!

Your donation not only gets you a delicious Thanksgiving pie or cake from Just Desserts by Jekeitta, Achenbach Pastries or Pellman Bakery, but also provides vital services to Delawareans infected and affected by HIV/AIDS. Your donation will provide food, housing, medication co-pays and financial assistance to someone living with HIV/AIDS in Delaware.


Order Your Cakes and Pies Here