LETTERS From CAMP Rehoboth

Bearapalooza 2000: Beef, Fur, & Brains, Too!

by Jim Dickinson

The weekend of June 23-25 saw yet another first happening in Rehoboththe first annual Bearapalooza! For those of you who didn't hear about it, the Bearapalooza event was hosted by the Eastern Shore Bears with the support of the Double L bar, and it was great fun! Aside from just being good fun, however, the events also raise money for local projects and organizations. This year a donation will go to the CAMP Rehoboth Community Center Project.

The weekend started with a Welcome Party and Beer Bust on Friday night. It was a very friendly and relaxed get together that allowed the 60 or so men coming to register to get to know one another. The weather was cool and breezy. The beer was cold. The men were beefy, furry, and loved to hug! (sigh) It was a very nice night.

The next morning Rick Moore and Dave DeLuca (of Rick's Fitness & Health in Milton) hosted a "Wake-up Workout" for everyone registered for the run who wanted to look pumped-up for "Bear Beach-time" at North Shores right afterwards! The beach was packed with folks, the weather perfect and the eye candywell, lets just say that now that I have found the best SPF50 sun-block (Neutrogena), I won't be avoiding the beach as much this year! And though I don't think I will ever wear some of the smaller bathing suits I saw, I applaud those who dofor the rest of us. Big, strong, furry men in neon micro-suits? Oh, yeah. And there were lots of smiles on the beach that day. After the beach there was a vendor market with everything Bear and leather and such. Then we all got together for a dinnertime cook out on the Double L bar's outside deck porch before the Mr. Delaware Bear and Delaware Bear Cub contest later that evening.

There were seven competitors in the contest 4 for Bear and 3 for Cuband it was a very good-looking bunch of guys with very big cahones! If you have ever been on a stage in a leather jockstrap and been asked to dance to music that you have not heard before in front of a bunch of guys who are laughing as much as they are drooling all for the honor of providing a year of service to the community, then you know what I mean. I think it was a bonding experience for the contestants. I saw more hugging and butt-slaps between them than anything else. Most importantly, this group of men were very articulate and had things of substance to say during the interview. I look forward to seeing how the new Mr. Bear and Mr. Cub will represent and challenge our community in the coming year.

Speaking of Mr. Delaware Bear 2000 (may I have a drum roll, please) the title went to Mr. Paul Redfern of CoBear Contracting Services, Inc. and Mr. Delaware Cub 2000 is Adam Murta (a frequent visitor from D.C.). Congratulations to both of you!

A special thanks goes out to all the guys in the Eastern Shore Bears, to John Meng and Mark Fernstrom of the Double L, to Craig Burns, 1999 Mr. Bear International, and all the local businesses that donated T-shirts, door prizes, and time to help Bearapalooza 2000 happen. From what I saw this year, I know that Bearapalooza is just going to go from being a really great time to being an even better time. If you are a Bear or just like 'em a lot, you shouldn't miss Bearapalooza 2001!

I have to tell you that I got to the cook out late and there was still plenty of food left, even chocolate cake. That rarely happened at the Bear gatherings of old! I am coming to the conclusion that more bears want their men beefy, but firmer these days. So many more of us are returning to working out and watching the diet these days... and it makes me very happy. Because by virtually every measure, lots of extra poundage will shorten your life and I want all these beautiful men to be hugging me many years from now!

LETTERS From CAMP Rehoboth, Vol. 10, No. 8, June 30, 2000.